What book inspired Huron County Library staff to fall head over heels with reading? Here is a selection of the some of the books that left their impression and kick-started a love of reading.

Bailey School Kids book cover

The Bailey School Kids by Debbie Dadey and Marcia T. Jones

“I am convinced that I read nothing but The Bailey School Kids books during the course of Grade 3. My classmates and I would always race one another to our school library to grab them before anyone else could. We would also challenge one another to see how many a month we could read. I credit these books for making me into the voracious reader I was when I got older.” – Avery, West Team Branch Assistant

Check out these Bailey School Kids books from our collection.

Charlotte's Web book cover

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

“The first book I can recall falling in love with is Charlotte’s Web. A simple book about friendship and how it can overcome the odds. My Mom read it to me, I read it to my children, and for 12 years I read it to my kindergarten class (who would “remind” me if I forgot to bring it out each day). The magic lives on!” – Joy, North Team Branch Assistant

Check out Charlotte’s Web

Classics Illustrated Midsummer Night's Dream cover

Classics Illustrated: A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

“I thought it would be impossible to pick a single book that sparked my love of reading but then I remembered that when I was a child my grandmother kept a pile of comic books for us. My favourite was Classics Illustrated #87 – A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I would pore over this comic for hours. I truly believe it sparked my appreciation for graphic storytelling, plays and the magic of slipping into another world through the written word. ” – Michelle, Central Team Branch Manager

While this book is not available from the Huron County Library, check out other Classics Illustrated such as Wuthering Heights, Ivanhoe, and Hamlet.

Guests of War Trilogy cover

Guests of War Trilogy by Kit Pearson

“Reading Kit Pearson’s Guests of War Trilogy is when I fell in love with reading. Thank goodness it was a series! It was the first time I remember being truly transported by a story. I immediately wanted to see the places that Nora and her brother Gavin traveled to. Even more than that, the books had the powerful ability to make me feel what the characters were experiencing. Being a similar age to the characters at the time, it opened my eyes to the complete range of experiences others can have in this world.” – Beth, County Librarian and Director of Cultural Services

Check out The Sky is Falling, Looking at the Moon, and The Lights Go on Again

Anne of green gables cover

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

“From the moment I checked out this book from my small elementary school library, I was hooked! I quickly fell in love with Anne’s antics, her imagination, the beautiful relationships that develop, and the language! As a young reader, this book exposed me to language I had never read in books before and I credit this book for making me the reader I am today.” – Amy, Cultural Services Marketing & Branding Coordinator

Check out Anne of Green Gables