Summer Reading Week 8: Houston, We Have a Problem

Summer Reading Week 8: Houston, We Have a Problem

Did you know it’s our last week of summer reading club already? We have had so much fun this summer and we are sad that it’s coming to an end (but not before one more week of fun!)  

This week our theme is “Houston, we have a problem!” and we will be learning about all the technology that helps us discover and learn about the mystery of space! Did you know that there is a robot (rover) on Mars right now, exploring? Its name is Curiosity, and it’s been working for 12 years! Together we will read Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover by Markus Motum, and create our own kaleidoscopes with recycled materials! As this is our very last week of club meetings this summer, we will say goodbye to all our new friends and give out prizes to celebrate everyone’s amazing reading accomplishments!  

Thank you all for an incredibly adventurous and fun summer, and as always, for those who were designing robots and could not make it to our club, we will miss you, but we have colouring sheets and a techy reading suggestion list for you to enjoy! 

Keep reading! 

Nadine and Morgan  

Summer Reading Week 7: Over the Moon

Summer Reading Week 7: Over the Moon

Woah! Do you see that giant rock floating in the sky?! It must be important for sure. In our second-last week of summer reading club, our theme will be “Over the Moon”, and we will focus on Luna, the name of Earth’s moon!  

Did you know Saturn has 136 moons (that we know of)? That’s a lot more than Earth’s one moon! This week we will read Mi’kmaw Moons by Cathy LeBlanc and learn how the moon has helped this group of Indigenous peoples to Canada track seasons! We will create a moon lander that can open to reveal aliens and astronauts!  

As always, for those who were taking one small step for man, one giant leap for humankind and could not make it to our club, we have colouring sheets and a moony reading suggestion list for you to enjoy! 

We promise you the moon! 

Nadine and Morgan  

Summer Reading Week 6: When the Stars Align

Summer Reading Week 6: When the Stars Align

Have you ever gone outside at night to see a clear sky full of stars? Have you ever wondered about all the stories and myths contained in that night sky? On week 6, our theme is “When the Stars Align”, and we’re going to learn all about constellations!  

Did you know that the visible constellations rotate through the year? For example, in winter, Orion is very clear, but it’s almost completely gone in the summer! Together we will read Zoo in the Sky by Jacqueline Mitton and create mesmerizing galaxies in jars. 

As always, for those who are busy stargazing and could not make it to our club, we have colouring sheets and a starry reading suggestion list for you to enjoy! 

Stay starry! 

Nadine and Morgan 

Summer Reading Week 4: Living in Space

Summer Reading Week 4: Living in Space

“One small step for man, one giant leap for humankind.” – Neil Armstrong

 Can you believe we’re in week four already? That means we are halfway through our summer- four weeks down, four to go! This week’s theme is called “Living in Space”, and we’re going to look at space through the eyes of an astronaut! Did you know, to become an astronaut, you need at least 6 years in astronaut school?   

Together, we will read the book Come back to Earth, Esther! by Josée Bisaillon, a story about a girl who knows her future is in exploring the unknown. We will make a cool astronaut craft that balances on your finger, and play “don’t drop the asteroid!” 

For those who are out in space and cannot join us this week, we have a fun colouring sheet that you can print off at home or at the library, and a fun reading list all about astronauts can be found on the Huron County Library’s catalog! 

Always be brave and adventurous!  

Nadine and Morgan

Summer Reading Week 3: The Aliens Have Landed!

Summer Reading Week 3: The Aliens Have Landed!

Welcome to week three! Morgan and Nadine were thinking about space this week (did you know that scientists don’t know how big space is – it could be infinite – never ever ending!) and we thought that somewhere in all the unexplored space there could be crazy aliens!

This week’s theme is “The Aliens have Landed!” Together we are going to read a silly story about an alien puppy that tries to take over the world (Bloop by Tara Lazar), make bizarre drawings of aliens that everyone contributes to, and search for aliens! We will also check on our rocket ship reading log and see how much we’ve done in only the first three weeks! What a summer we have ahead!

For those who cannot join us this week, we have another colouring sheet that you can print off at home or at the library, and a fun reading list all about stars can be found on the Huron County Library’s online catalogue!

Bleep blorp!

Nadine and Morgan

Summer Reading Week 2: Shoot for the Stars!

Summer Reading Week 2: Shoot for the Stars!

And that’s a wrap on Week 2 of the TD Summer Reading Club! We hope you’re starry eyed and ready to learn, because this week’s theme was “Shoot for the Stars!”. Did you know that if you traveled to the nearest star, it would take 70,000 years?  

This week we had a super fun craft planned, where we made stained-glass stars to hang in your windows at home! Together we read the book, Star of the Party by Jan Carr, and played a game with moon rocks – be sure to practice your balancing skills for this one!  

Don’t forget to bring your reading log this week, so you can start collecting beads for read-a-bead!  

For those who cannot join us this week, we have another colouring sheet that you can print off at home or at the library, and a fun reading list all about stars can be found on the Huron County Library’s catalogue.  

Lastly, we have a super fun reading challenge for our friends who are not able to come to the reading club: print off this Rocket Ship Reading Log, and colour in one rocket ship for every book or chapter you read!  When the page is full, show it off to your local librarian and win a small prize! 

Aim for the stars! 

Nadine and Morgan