Summer Reading Week 5: Myths Across the Pond

Summer Reading Week 5: Myths Across the Pond

Knights of the Summer Reading Club, we issue you this quest: tell us what your favourite book you have read so far this summer!

This week we will take a trip “across the pond” to learn about the legends of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, and more places in the British Isles! If you love the stories of King Arthur, Robin Hood, and the Celtic cultures, this week’s theme is definitely for you! To have fun exploring this week’s theme from home, download this week’s colouring sheet and check out this week’s online reading list  And, as always, we encourage you to head into your local library branch to find even more amazing books! Hopefully we will see you there!


Summer Reading Week 4: Worlds Under Water

Summer Reading Week 4: Worlds Under Water

Hello summer readers! This week’s reading adventure takes us to the depths of the oceans to explore Worlds Under Water! Mermaids, Atlantis, sea monsters, and more will be the focus of our stories, crafts, and games—we hope you are as excited for this week as we are! To have fun exploring from home, download this week’s colouring sheet and check out this week’s reading list. And, as always, we encourage you to head into your local library to find even more amazing books!


Summer Reading Week 3: Tales from Turtle Island

Summer Reading Week 3: Tales from Turtle Island

Week three, where to be? Well, at your local library for the Summer Reading Program, of course! This week we will learn some stories of the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (Indigenous peoples of what most now commonly call North America). These tales are very diverse, just like the different Indigenous cultures and peoples to which they belong, so we hope you find many that you enjoy! To learn more, download this week’s related colouring sheet and check out this week’s reading list.


We acknowledge that the land we stand upon today is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Neutral peoples. We recognize the First Peoples’ continued stewardship of the land and water, and that this territory was subject to the Dish with One Spoon wampum, under which multiple nations agreed to care for the land and resources by the Great Lakes in peace.

We would also like to acknowledge and recognize the Upper Canada Treaties signed in regards to this land, which include Treaty #29 and Treaty #45 1/2, and our roles as treaty people, committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation, gratitude, and respect with all First Nation, Métis and Inuit people.


Summer Reading Week 2: Up in Space

Summer Reading Week 2: Up in Space

Hello summer readers! This week we’ll be going up to space to learn about all of its wonders! We look forward to learning more about myths about the moon, the stories of the stars, and so much more! Be sure to check out this week’s colouring sheet and reading list on Bibliocommons for some story suggestions. Of course, you can also visit your local Huron County Library branch this summer! We hope to see you there!


Summer Reading Week 1: Ancient Cultures

Summer Reading Week 1: Ancient Cultures

Today is the first official day of the Summer Reading Program—hooray! We are so excited to be visiting all the incredible Huron County Libraries and cannot wait to read some magical stories with all of you who are joining us this summer!

This week’s theme is—drumroll, please—Ancient Cultures: Legends of the Past! We’ll be travelling back in time in our reading adventures and learning about the myths and legends of many ancient civilizations!

For those of you who are unable to join us at the program, feel free to print off a colouring sheet and Labyrinth maze at home or from your local branch. Each week, we will be sharing a new themed colouring sheet on our blog; we hope you enjoy them!

Also, we encourage you to go to your local library sometime this week and check out some great books to begin your summer reading adventures! For story suggestions based on this week’s theme, check out our online reading list!