Beyond Baby Talk – Wingham

Beyond Baby Talk – Wingham

The Alice Munro Branch, Wingham, is pleased to host Beyond Baby Talk, on Wednesday, Aug. 16. Discussions will focus on how children progress from crying as infants to gesturing, babbling, and finally mimicking words, labelling and stringing sentences together. Having some simple routines help a child make sense of their world and develop a sense of security. From feeding, to diapering, to playtime, to sleeping; these routines help to establish the habit of communication.

Songs will be used to help reinforce the basics in a fun way, including More Milk, Clean Up, Change My Diaper, etc. By verbalizing and signing at the same time, children learn quickly and are able to start matching the word to the sign until you no longer have to sign at all.

To register for this in-person program, contact the branch by calling 519-357-3312 or emailing